Thursday, April 17, 2008

i forgot to post this a while ago

It's been a while since I sat down and wrote an entry. I actually have had some necessary school work and some great visitors. Two days after Meryl and Diana left, my parents came to visit Praha! It was so great to show them around and let them see where I have been living, what I have been doing, what I have been drinking, and who I have been spending my time with. As soon as my parents arrive in Prague we started walking...and walking and walking and walking. I didn't want them to get jetlagged so I immediately took them on Jamie's Walking Tour of Prague. And that was only the beginning. I felt like their visit was a true test of how much I have learned (and consequently retained) about the city. I'm no history guru, but living in Prague has definitely increased my interest in the history of the Czech Republic.

While my parents were here, I refused to do certain things and take them to certain spots. For instance, those places where 'all-the-american-students-who-are-abroad' hang out- aka Bohemian Bagel. I don't even like Bohemian Bagel, but it's just so convenient. I wanted to my parents to try and get the gtrue Praha experience, however much that is possible. So in addition to showing off the main sites of Prague (Charles Bridge, Prague Castle, Petrin Hill, Jewish Quarters etc...), the beautiful weather permitted us to go to a Slavia soccer game. With popcorn and kielbasa's (spelling?)we enjoyed the sunset and a win.

We also decided to take a day trip to Terezin. I am really glad that I didn't go to Terezin before my parents got here. The fact that Terezin is currently still a town (population of around 2,000 people) is beyond me. It is so desolate and resemblant of a ghost town. Everywhere you look there is something there to remind of the horrors that occured at Terezin. Small rooms in which 80 people were locked into until they suffocated, bathrooms which never had any plumbing--they were merely set up as a facade for the Red Cross. It was just absolutely unbelievable to see. Luckily, our tour guide offered us the chance to go and see a secret synagogue that had recently been found in someones house. I had no idea what to expect--but what we ended up seeing was a tiny concrete room. I couldn't imagine having this room be my "get away" place, my place to relax.

Alas, another check point has come and gone! I bought a three month metro pass at the beginning of this trip and never really thought that it would ever expire. At the time, April just seemed too distant. Now that I had to buy a one month metro pass, I can't believe that three months have gone by already. The times I thought would never come are now flying by without me even realizing it! stop: Amsterdam!

1 comment:

Nancy Jeanne said...

You and your mom are so cute!! I love you guys!