Thursday, February 14, 2008

a rant

This is going to be a quick update, as it is 8:30 pm and I need to finish packing for Budapesshht. Our train leaves at 12:30 -- I hope this whole night train thing works out. I want to take a sleeping pill and just sleep the whole 8 hours but people warn you about theft. Gotta love Europe.

Anyways, today when I woke up I realized just how much I missed Hamilton. Just to refresh your memory, last year, on Valentine's Day, we had the first snow day in 21 years at Hamilton. With the three feet of snow that we woke up to, there were also bottles of Andre at 7 am, snowshoeing across campus, and jumping out of the third story of Milbank. We have not even seen one snow flake in Prague. As much fun as I am having, I can't help but miss being at Hamilton and everything that comes along with that. This is such a different experience than a semester at Hamilton--definitely not bad, but different [socially, academically etc]

Academically, I truly miss sitting in a class where I am intellectually stimulated. While it is great not having to do virtually any work, I wish I felt like I was learning something in my classes. In classes we only seem to skim over the surface of things. We'll read these really interesting novels by Kafka and Orwell for instance, but the class discussions never really get that deep, to say the least.
I will say, though, that I can't complain about the lack of work and the ridiculously low expectations that professors hold here.

Sorry for that rant. I'm done now. I shall write again when I return from Budapest!

1 comment:

Priscilla said...

I am glad you are not jumping out of your window again. Love you Grandma