Before the debaucherous events of the crawl, Johanna, Tessa, and I had such a wonderful day. First, we all went to purchase our train tickets for Berlin next weekend! I'm really excited that we are actually following through with plans... that is definitely something new to me. We are leaving at 6:25 am on Friday morning [brutal!] and then coming back to Praha on Sunday night. Luckily the superbowl doesn't start here until 2:30 in the morning so we'll be back in plenty of time.
After finding one really great vintage store, we have been a mission to seek out others. Yesterday we had great success. Not only was the store incredible, but we also befriended another owner. She is from California and has been living in Prague for a few years now. Every American or Australian that I've met so far has been so friendly. Honestly, being over the pond, I feel like I am actually learning more about Americans than about the Czechs themselves. I guess that isn't a bad thing, just not what I would have expected.
In an effort to try and do something cultural everyday, we decided to check out the Lennon Wall, which is right off of the Charles Bridge. It's actually in this amazing area that we had never seen: it's much quieter, and less touristy than Old Town Square.
It really is an amazing thing: the Lennon wall first started in the 1980s because students would write Beatle-inspired quotes on the wall as a means to non-violently rebel against the communist regime. Now, the wall is a representation of people's graffiti from all over the world. It's really neat to see how so many different people come to one small wall and continue to reflect the ideas of peace.
While walking to the tramvaj from the Lennon Wall, we found a beautiful park with tons of benches. I was so happy to see more than one measly tree in one concentrated area. As beautiful as the buildings are here, I do still miss being in the middle of the woods at Hamilton.
You are such a good blogger! I hope I can follow your example when I finally start my adventure. You sound really happy and the thrift stores sound so amazing!!
i love how a silver pot leaf is an idea of peace... hehe.
kisses! have fun in berlin! love to jo-jo too!
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